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4 Foods That Can Help You To Reduce Your Stress…

4 Foods that can help you to reduce your stress…

In today’s life almost everybody has stress due to

various reasons. Some are better at dealing with

stress, some get habituated to live with stress, and

some train themselves to deal with stress. The good news is,

that even the right food choices can significantly

help you to deal with stress. How?

When stressed, your body produces

excessive stress hormones. These

stress hormones are produced by your

adrenal glands. Therefore, nutrient rich food that

supports your adrenal glands functions are

particularly beneficial for stress reduction.

These 4 nutrient rich foods are as follows:


Sunflower seeds are not only rich in potassium but they

are also rich in vitamin B and zinc. Which

play an important role in the health of your

adrenal glands. Even there are evidence suggesting that

during time of stress the level of these nutrients

gets reduced. The best time to have sunflower seeds is

in between main meal. It is always beneficial to

have raw saltless sunflower seeds.


When stressed, you need to have more of

feel good hormones like serotonin. Zinc is

needed for your serotonin production and

sesame seeds are a good source of zinc.

you can have sesame seeds anytime, you can

add sesame seeds to your mouthfreshner or to

your various recipe like

vegetable curry, Paratha, Thepla, Muthiya etc.


Almonds are rich in magnesium which is

especially important for supporting adrenal function and

the metabolism of essential fatty acids. Low level of

magnesium can be associated with nervous tension,

anxiety, irritability and insomnia. The best time to have

almonds is early morning.

Soaked almonds are more beneficial.


Sprouted are good source of vitamin C. Raw pulses

don’t have vitamin C in them, but when you

sprout them, vitamin C is developed in them. But

have it raw. Don’t cook it as

cooking destroys vitamin C. Vitamin C is good

antioxidant which boost your immunity and

you need a very good immune system to combat your stress!


Thus, these foods can help you to reduce your

reaction to stress. You can also

enhance your lifestyle to improve

biochemistry and physiology to better deal with your

stress instead of eating rubbish that will

increase your stress when you are

already stressed, choose healthy food which

will help you to calm your body down. Along with food,

simple exercises are equally important as

exercise releases feel-good hormones in

your body. If you haven’t yet received, you can

get our free DVD of simple exercise that

you can do at your home without any fancy

equipment and within very short time.

Click here to get your free DVD.

That’s all for today.

See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday tip

Till then…

Take care…

& say good bye to your stress!

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life-

Dr. Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician



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