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6 Easy To Implement Strategies For ‘How To Make Your Child To Eat Greens!’

6 easy to implement strategies for ‘How to make your child to eat greens!’


Greens are very important food group with several

nutrient benefits. & in winter, we really get good quality green vegetables.

So many of us were told as children to ‘eat up your greens’. And

now, you as a parent are still asking your kids to eat them up.

And your kids try to avoid doing so.

Following are 6 (easy to implement) tips for

getting your children to eats greens.


Don’t overcook your vegetables.

Soggy boiled greens don’t taste nice or

feel nice in the mouth. And,

overcooking will also destroy many

nutrients present in your vegies.

Just steam greens over a pan of water for

just a few minutes until just tender and

serve immediately as children like the crispiness.


Cooking with little oil will help your child to absorb

the fat-soluble vitamins present in the greens.

Also adding fats enhance your vegie’s taste which

usually your children would prefer.


If you just bake the vegetables,

it will preserve some of the nutrients present in the greens.

Just add little spices or herbs of your child’s choice and

you have made a healthy baked dish that your child would surely love.


Instead of always giving them greens in

the form of vegetables(subji), think about alternatives.

You can modify your recipes by

making vegetable stuff paratha,

vegetable sandwich, vegetables wrap, Frankie etc.


If your child likes nuts, you can add

crushed nuts to your veggies or curries.

Your child would appreciate it.

Also, you can add nuts in your salads.


You can make delicious greens salads by adding

boiled beans or chopped paneer to it. That way, if

you are also vegetarian, you child gets good quality protein.


Eating greens need not be a stressful event

between you and your child.

Try these 6 tips.

They have worked for me,

will surely work for you as well.

That’s all for today,

See you next Tuesday,

With another Tuesday tip,

Till then,

Take care.

Providing simple solution for complexities of life.

Dr. Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician

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