7 signs to know if your kid is at high risk of getting low oxygen
Our children deserve the best opportunities to grow into
creative, problem-solving, service-oriented adults, and
our world needs that. Please do all you can to
preserve freedom to learn, explore, and serve one another….
-Dr Darick Nordstrom. (Inventor of ALF)
In Part-1 of this series, we discussed about-
why Oxygen is your No. 1 Nutrient.
Last week, in Part-2, we discussed about –
some of the most common symptoms or diseases associated with your oxygen deficiency.
Now that you are already well aware about the importance of Oxygen,
and, as prevention is always better than cure,
today in this third and last part of this series, I will share with you
7 signs to know if your kid is at the high risk of getting low oxygen
So that we can intercept early, and make sure that your kid get enough Oxygen.
A word of caution:
Just because these below mentioned signs are
very commonly seen in the growing kids,
it does not mean that they are normal.
Just because something is common, does not mean that it is normal.
We can broadly divide these signs in two categories
3 of them are general signs, &
4 are the signs that you can self-check in your kid’s mouth.
Lets get started.
7 signs to know if your kid is at the high risk of getting low oxygen
3 General signs:
#1- Is your kid having excessive crankiness? Is
it making your kid’s and your own life difficult?
If your answer is yes, you must see this Hindi video to understand the
relationship in between the oxygen deficiency and crankiness.
#2- Is your kid snoring during sleep?
Snoring is not only about the sound that annoys others.
It is a sign that your kid’s airway is smaller and
that’s why when the air passes through your kid’s
airpipe, it makes sound of snoring.
#3- Is your kid having habit of mouth breathing?
Why does your kid breath through the mouth?
Simply because your kid is not getting enough oxygen
through the preferred and more healthy route- the nose.
If your kid’s mouth remains open during sleep,
while playing, while sitting for study or while watching the media
on the screens, it is a sign that should ring an alarming bell in your mind.
Following are the remaining 4 signs that you yourself can easily
check inside your kid’s mouth. Here they are…
#4- Is your kid having habit of grinding the teeth?
This can happen at any time, but is more commonly seen
happening during the sleep. The grinding habit of your kid may indicate
that your child’s brain is not getting enough oxygen and this habit
of teeth grinding can be an attempt of your child’s brain to
relieve the stress that the brain experiences due to deficient oxygen.
#5- Is your kid having uneven (crooked) teeth?
The reason for crooked teeth is very simple- your kid’s
jaws are small for your kid’s teeth. That’s why the teeth are
crooked. Because the jaws are small, there is
lack of needed space for your kid’s tongue. And, if
the tongue gets less space, it moves backwards and encroaches on
your kid’s airway. Thus, what you can easily see is the crooked teeth, but
you are not able to see the behind the scene bigger problem that is-
a narrow airway and ultimately less oxygen to your kid’s brain.
#6- Is your kid’s upper front teeth covering more than 2mm of lower front teeth?
Just ask your kid to bite on the back teeth all the way up. Check
in this position. If the upper and lower front teeth are
covering each other more than 2 mm, then your kid is
over closing both the jaws. That means there is insufficient
space for your kid’s tongue which leads to airway obstruction and
ultimately oxygen deficiency as described previously.
#7- Is your kid’s lower teeth placed outside than the upper teeth?
If this is the case, chances are, that your kid’s upper jaw (known as maxilla) is
underdeveloped. This also reduces the size of your kid’s nose cavity. & if
the nose cavity is smaller than obviously your kid will get loss oxygen.
As you can see, it is very easy to check for all these 7 signs. & even if
only 1 of these 7 signs is seen in your kid, it means that your kid is
at high risk of getting low oxygen- the No.1 Nutrient.
However, the good news is, that we now have some of the best
alternative orthodontic treatments available in India itself to
intervene in early stage of your kid’s developing age. We can get
better, quicker results with ALF or SOMA. If any of these 7 signs
is present in your kid, don’t ignore them. They can have a lasting effect on
your kid’s entire life.
Book appointment now on 9825395427 with Holistic Dentist India.
This can be the best Diwali gift that you can give to your child.
That’s all for today.
See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday Tip.
Till then,,,,,,,,,,, Take care…….
Providing dental solutions for your medical problems:
Dr. Rakesh Makwana
Your Holistic Dentist