Myth: Rock sugar is healthier than Regular sugar
I have seen that mothers replaces regular sugar with
rock sugar especially when they are using it for their kids. Thinking that
it is healthier and less processed, and
can use it as much as they want. But
as far as processing is concerned, both-
rock sugar and regular sugar are formed from
the same saturated sugar solutions. Though
there is no major difference between their process,
the rock sugar is more concentrated than
your regular sugar. And thus,
have more calories than regular sugar. Nutrition value
is also same for both the sugars–a big zero!
So, taking calorie count and processing into account
Truth: Rock sugar is not healthier than
regular sugar. Both are the same.
So you should stop replacing your regular sugar with rock sugar.
Healthier alternative of both sugars are:
- Organic jaggery
- Stevia
- Dates
- Fig
- Banana
- Chickoo
- Raisins (Dried Black grapes)
So according to your recipe you can use above option for your
Desserts, juices, pudding etc.
Always remember you should have everything in balanced form.
That’s all for today
See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday tip
Till than…..
Take care….
Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life
Dr. Bhumita Makwana
Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician