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Myth – You Need To Eat Less To Lose Weight

Myth – You need to eat less to lose weight


I have come across many patients when they first come to me,

they say- “madam, I don’t eat much but

then also I am gaining weight.” Or,

“I had stopped eating this and that, but still I am unable to reduce weight.” Or,

“I can’t remain hungry… can’t do much dieting……” and so on…..


But let me tell you the reality of weight loss:

  • Right quality & quantity

The main thing you need to do is- you need to

take right quantity of food as per your age,

gender, lifestyle etc. Another important thing is

quality of your food. Your daily requirement of

all the nutrients should fulfill from your diet. So it is

important to include food from all food groups like

cereals, millet, pulses, whole grains, good fat, veggies and fruits.

Both the quality and the quantity are important.


  • Regular timing of meal

As far as possible, you should take your meals

at the same time. You should maintain your

biological cycle to maintain your ideal body weight.


  • Have a regular sleep pattern

Just like regular meal timing, regular

sleep timing is also very important.

As our elderly keeps on telling us:

“Early to bed and early to rise is the best practice.”

Beware of binge watching those web series

the whole night during weekends!


  • Exercise regularly:

along with food, exercise is also important for

your fitness. You never forget to eat but you

frequently forget or have some excuses

for regular exercise. Regular exercise for at least 45 minutes

minimum 5 days in a week is sufficient.

If you haven’t yet got it, click here to get your

Free DVD of ‘No equipment body weight home workout & yoga series’!

So, the Truth is-

Taking the right quality and quantity of food at regular time

with proper sleep & exercise is the key to weight loss.

Consult a qualified dietitian. She would guide you about the

Right kind of food with right quality as per your individual need.

Wish you all the best.

That’s all for today

See you next Tuesday

With another Tuesday tip,

Till then,

Take care

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Homoeopathic Physician.



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