Myth: Bariatric surgery is an easy way to reduce your weight without doing any diet restrictions…..
Commonly asked question in my practice is that-
Can I go for bariatric surgery?
Being nuclear family most of you are having busy schedule, so
when you want to reduce weight, you want very fast results plus You
don’t want to follow any diet or exercise regime.
You think that-
Bariatric is simple and easy way to reduce weight without
doing any diet restrictions….
But the reality is that-
- Bariatric surgery is not a miracle procedure.
- As your digestive tract anatomy changes, you need
to take certain supplements after the surgery.
- You will need to consult the team of your doctors for
the rest of your life.
Bariatric surgery is having many side effects & risks like:
- Acid reflux
- Bowl obstruction
- Nausea & vomiting
- Internal bleeding
- Lung & breathing problems
- Nutritional deficiencies etc.
Bariatric surgery has its definite indications. Anybody can’t undergo
this surgery. So, the truth is that-
- Bariatric surgery is option only for you if you are
severely obese. Means, if your BMI (body mass index)
is above 40. That is if your weight is very-very high
according to your height. Or if your BMI is 35 with
any comorbidity. This means if your weight is high with chronic
diseases like diabetes, hypertension etc you need to go for Bariatric surgery.
- Even after your bariatric surgery, you will need to
take healthy diet to avoid re- gaining your weight.
- If you are obese or pre-obese, surgery is not your option!
Healthy diet is the only viable, long term option for
your weight loss. Consult your dietitian now…
That’s all for today,
See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday tip,
Till then
Take care
Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life
Dr Bhumita Makwana
Your Dietitian and Homoeopathic physician.