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Are You Diagnosed With High Blood Pressure   after This Lock Down Period?

Are you diagnosed with high blood pressure  after this lock down period?

Due to this lock down you must have experienced

  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Multitasking
  • Financial problem
  • Loss of job etc…

Due to all these worries there must be

change in your mental and physical health.

Probably the one who must have diagnosed

with high blood pressure then this tip is for you.

Your food is your medicine

Lowering your intake of sodium is important as

this mineral can raise your blood pressure.

In such case, Potassium can help you.

You need to increase your potassium rich food &

Reduce your salty food.

Good vegetarian sources of potassium are:

  • Banana
  • Pomegranate
  • Papaya
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Dates

This food will definitely help you to control your

high blood pressure, but

if you are having kidney disease, high level

of potassium can be harmful to you. It is better to

consult a qualified dietitian for your therapeutic diet.

Along with this food, you need to change your routine. Try

to do meditation & pranayama which will also

help you to control your blood pressure.

your problems are unique to you. So, it is better not to

judge yourself & comparing yourself with others. Be

strong mentally & you will be strong physically.

That’s all for today

See you next Tuesday

With another Tuesday tip

Till then

Take care

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Homoeopathic Physician




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