Are you suffering from Allergies? (part-2) Your food is your medicine
In Part 1 we discussed about symptoms of allergies and allergens responsible
for your allergies. You come to know that Allergens are the trigger
of allergic reaction and not the cause. Actual
cause of the allergies is your food habit. Due to
westernization, you have developed
habit of eating more of junk food and
ready to eat/drink food. Which contains
lots of artificial ingredients like coloring agents,
flavoring agents, preservatives etc. which
harm your inner health. they make your immunity very low and
to fight against such allergens, you need to
develop a strong immunity. Immunity
is not developed within few days rather it requires
long period. So, you need to start adopting
good eating habit as soon as possible. Also,
you need to maintain your meal timings and you
need to take adequate sleep to boost your immunity.
Following are few nutrients that can help you to combat your allergy
#1 Quercetin:
It is antioxidant- bioflavonoid which helps you to block the release of
Histamines. & thus, it can reduce your allergic reaction.
You need to take this for long period of time as it takes 3—4 weeks before
quercetin becomes effective.
Good vegetarian sources of quercetin are:
- Red & yellow capsicum
- Onion
- Tomatoes
- Red apple
Quercetin is present in the peel, so
wash it properly and have it with the peel except onion.
#2: Bromelain:
This anti-inflammatory enzyme helps you with the
absorption of quercetin.
Thus, it increases the effectiveness of quercetin.
Good vegetarian source of bromelain is:
- Pineapple
#3 pantothenic acid:
If your adrenal gland is week, then it will
make you more vulnerable to allergies. To make
your adrenal gland strong, you need pantothenic acid.
This pantothenic acid helps you to boost the
function of your adrenal glands.
Good vegetarian sources of pantothenic acid are:
- Whole grains
- Nuts
- Green leafy vegetables.
While allopathy does help you to tackle the allergic reactions
very nicely, do consider taking alternative medicines like
Homoeopathy & Ayurveda to “cure” your allergies.
That’s all for today.
See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday Tip.
Till then…. take care.
Stay home stay safe.
Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life
Dr Bhumita Makwana
Your Dietitian & Homoeopathic Physician