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Are You Suffering From  Back Pain In Winter?

Are you suffering from Back pain in winter?

Your food is your medicine

You may have experienced that old back ache spike up

in winter season. This is because cold temperature can

make your muscles, tendon & ligament stiff. This

stiffness creates pressure on the root of nerve of your

back causing nerve pain. Also, there is decreased blood supply due

to vasoconstriction that is narrowing of blood vessels. Low

blood supply to your back further stiffen your

back muscles, tendon & ligament. This means that

majority of backache is not caused due to problem in

your spine. But it is injury to your muscles, tendon &

ligament that gives it support.

This means that you are prone to backache

in winter due to your body response to it.

Don’t worry – your food can be your medicine.

Food can help you to heal naturally.

Let us see which nutrients will help you in your back pain:

1) Vitamin-B6 ( pyridoxine)

  • It helps to clear up chronic pain.
  • It helps in maintenance of proper

functioning of your nervous system.

  • It also promotes nerve repair by

accelerating nerve tissue regeneration.

Good natural vegetarian sources of vitamin-B6 are:

  • Whole grains
  • Pista
  • Raw sprouts

Vitamin B6 is water soluble vitamin. This means that

it is not stored in your body. So, make sure that

you take adequate intake of this vitamin rich food daily.

2) Bromelain

  • It is proteolytic enzyme- a substance that digest proteins.
  • It helps by improving blood flow to your painful areas.
  • It act as anti-inflammatory agent.

Good natural vegetarian sources of bromelain are:

  • Pineapple

It is the only vegetarian source which contains bromelain.

3) Zinc

  • Inadequate level of zinc in your diet

Can cause chronic pain, inflammation & delayed healing.

Zinc is required in very minuet quantity but it is

very important nutrients for your muscles and ligaments.

Natural vegetarian source of zinc are:

  • Chana
  • Sesame seeds
  • Nuts


4) Exercise

Exercise will keep your body warm and helps you

to maintain all your bone, muscles, tendon and ligaments in

healthy condition. It also helps you to increase

blood circulation in your body.

Daily exercise of any kind for one hour is must.

Click here to get your Free DVD of

‘No equipment body weight home workout’.

That’s all for today

See you next Tuesday

With another Tuesday tip

Till then, take care.

Providing simple solution for the complexities of life.

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Homoeopathic physician.






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