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Are You Suffering From  Cheese Cravings?

Are you suffering from Cheese cravings?

Reason # 1

Not getting enough good fat.

Your body need fat for many important functions.

A moderate amount of fat is needed in

your daily diet for good health. Fat present in your food is having

various forms like saturated, mono-saturated &

polyunsaturated. But, too much fat or too much of wrong

fat is not good for your health. When your body

don’t get enough good fat -you crave for cheesy things. Thus,

excess of trans fat can lead to many inflammatory diseases in your body.

So, what to do?

Remedy # 1

Add good fat to your diet which comes from:

  • Coconut dry
  • Sesame seed
  • Chia seed
  • walnut


Reason # 2

Emotional eating

  • your mind is not able to handle emotionally

difficult situations.

  • It finds easy escape in emotional eating which is not

in your best interest (harmful for your health)!


Remedy # 2

  • Reduce your stress level by regularly doing

Pranayama & meditation.

  • Take your food at the regular time & avoid eating

at odd times as that can keep your emotional

eating well under control.

  • Take good night sleep at least for 7-8 hours daily. Which

keeps your internal body function normal.


There is nothing wrong in having cheese as a treat. That is occasional.

Always remember anything in moderation never harms.

That’s all for today,

See you next Tuesday,

With another Tuesday tip,

Till then,

Take care.

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Homoeopathic physician.

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