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Are You Suffering From Involuntary Leaking Of Urine? (Part 2)

Are you suffering from involuntary leaking of urine? (Part 2)

Involuntary leaking of urine is very common problem,

are you having problem of involuntary

dribbling of urine while

  • laughing out loud,
  • lifting heavy weight,
  • sneezing or
  • coughing.

This makes very awkward situation for you.

But you rarely talk about it freely.

This is our second tip on urine problem. In our previous tip we

had discussed -Why you should avoid caffeine if you are

suffering from involuntary leaking of urine. Click here to revisit the tip.

Today, we will discuss about 2 more ways by which

you can help yourself for involuntary leaking of urine.

#1: strengthen your pelvic floor muscles:

  • Doing pelvic floor exercises strengthen your

pelvic floor muscles & urinary sphincter.

  • This helps you to control your urination. These

exercises are called ‘kegal exercises’.

  • Just search for kegal exercises’ & you will get plenty

of images, blogs, and videos on the topic.

  • Practice this exercises daily to get best results.

#2: lose your fat:

  • Excessive belly fat puts pressure on your

abdomen & bladder which sometime can

lead to urine leakage.

  • Maintain your ideal body weight and enjoy

many other health benefit as well.

  • To reduce your fat you need to consult a

Qualified dietitian.


Have patients… these modalities take a few weeks to few months

to show result. If you don’t get result even after a couple

of months, consult your doctor.

That’s all for today,

See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday tip,

Till then take care.

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Physician.


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