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Are Your Elderly Parents Suffering From  Impatience, Panic & Confusion?

Are your elderly parents suffering from Impatience, panic & confusion?

You must have observed that as your parents age, there

is change in their behavior.

  • Some get impatient,
  • some get panic on least things or if things don’t happen according to them. And,
  • some get confused what they actually want.

You must be thinking that it is all because of aging. Yes! You

are correct. Due to aging there can be deficiency

in some vitamins- like B- group of vitamins. Due to

this deficiency your elderly parents may have high

level of homo-cysteine. Homo-cysteine is a toxic amino acid. It is

produced in the metabolism of methionine. Folic acid,

vitamin-B6, vitamin-B1 act as a co-factor for

enzymes involved in methionine metabolism.

Thus, this B- group of vitamin affects homo-cysteine level. Plasma

homo-cysteine level increase as B-vitamin concentration decreases.

Proper nutritional supply of these B- groups of vitamins can help

to lower their homo-cysteine level.

Let their food be their medicine….

Vitamin- B6

Good vegetarian sources of vitamin-B6 are:

  • Raw sprouts
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pista

Vitamin-B 1

Good vegetarian sources od vitamin-B1 are:

  • Ground nuts
  • Flax seeds
  • Sunflower seeds

Folic acid

Good vegetarian sources of folic acid are:

  • Beet root
  • Papaya
  • Green leafy vegetables

Remember B- group of vitamins are water soluble. That means

they are not stored in body and they get destroyed on heating or

any other processing. So, whichever sources

mentioned above, better to have it in raw form.

In addition to proper nutrition, your elderly

parents need your attention just like

your kids. Make sure to give them proper

attention they desire and deserve to have…

That’s all for today

See you next Tuesday

With another Tuesday tip

Till then

Take care

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Homoeopathic physician.




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