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Avoid These 2 Foods If You Are Suffering From Arthritis!

Avoid these 2 foods if you are suffering from Arthritis!




They contain a substance called SOLANINE.

It interferes with a specific enzyme in the muscles

and thus, it causes pain and discomfort in your joints.

It also aggravates your joints problems.

What to do?

1)For tomatoes-

Avoid taking them raw.

You can boil, roast, or bake to cook them.

Cooking removes solanine from them.

It also enhances tomato’s nutrition value.

We have discussed about it in our previous tip that

raw is not always beneficial….

Sometime cooked food is also more nutritious then raw.

The cooking process brings out more of lycopene in tomatoes.

Lycopene is an Antioxidant.

This lycopene helps to reduce your risks of heart diseases,

cancer and macular degeneration.

2)For potatoes-

Of course, you are not going to have raw potatoes!

Then, what should you do?

Don’t use potatoes having green shade.

They are high in solanine content.

So, when you go to buy potatoes ,

check for green shades.

Avoid buying such potatoes.

Buy only fresh varieties of potatoes.

Also, avoid potatoes with sprout.

They also contain more solanine.

Store potatoes in cool dark place and not in

direct sunlight, as it sprouts potatoes easily.

You can also use raw banana instead of potatoes.

Raw banana are more healthier then potatoes.

That’s all for today ……

See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday tip.

Till then …..

Take care……

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life

Dr. Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician


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