Beware of your sugar consumption this festive season!
You are aware that-
If you increase sugar consumption, you will put on weight or
if you have diabetes, then your blood sugar level will rise. But
there are also many other problems which are due to
your over consumption of sugar, which you are unaware of.
6 problems with your increased sugar consumption are:
- Chronic muscle cramps:
Your increased sugar consumption reduces important minerals such as
potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium. Calcium & magnesium are
important for proper muscle contraction and relaxation.
Sodium & potassium are presents intracellular and
extracellular & if they reduce, can lead to cellular
dehydration and chronic muscle spasms.
- Toxin & heavy metals in your brain:
It leads to depletion of trace mineral stores in your brain &
opening up of your blood brain barrier, which allows toxins and other
heavy metals to accumulate in your brain tissue.
- Reduced immunity:
When you take excessive sugar, antioxidant such as
glutathione, vitamin-C and vitamin-E are reduced in
your body. This antioxidant plays a major role in
your body to keep you healthy by destroying
free radicals which causes disease in your body. Thus,
when all these antioxidants are reduced, your immunity is compromised.
- Bone & joint problems:
Increased sugar in your body leads to inhibition of
protein synthesis. This leads to change in the
chemistry of your bones & joints ultimately
making you suffering from bones & joint problems.
- Nerve damage:
As there is loss of minerals like calcium & magnesium on
over consumption of sugar, it may lead to
destruction of nerve, giving you chronic pain, neuropathies,
vision disorder and accelerated organ disfunction.
- Skin aging:
It changes the structure of your collagen. This in turn
cause wrinkle, loose skin, dull unhealthy skin which
make you look aged than your actual age.
May you be able to protect yourself from
harmful but tempting online shopping offers &
harmful but tempting sweets this festive season!
Next week we will discuss 4 ways to calm down your sugar cravings.
Providing Simple Solutions for The Complexities of Life-
Dr Bhumita Makwana
Your dietitian & cosmetic clinician