Breast Problems (Part 2): 3 Food groups that help!
Last week we had discussed about ‘3 food groups
you should avoid for your breast problems’
To re-visit the last tip, click here.
Today we will discuss about
‘3 foods that help in your breast problems’-
- Soy- It contains phytoestrogen which is
natural oestrogen. It balances out the
excess oestrogen in your body. Thus, soy
helps to decrease your breast pain and
lumpiness. You can have roasted soya bean,
soya milk. If you don’t like soya milk,
you can have tofu (paneer made out of
soya milk) & soya flour.
You can add soya flour with your roti flour or chillas.
- Fibre- fibre takes excess oestrogen out of
your body reducing your breast pain.
Papaya, green leafy vegetables and
whole pulses, they all contain good fibre that
you should include in your daily diet.
- Cruciferous vegetables- cruciferous vegetables are
Cabbage, Broccoli, Turnip. They contain
indole-3 Carbinol, a chemical that
helps to block oestrogen from binding to
your breast tissue.
All these food groups can help you to
prevent your breast problems &
will help in early recovery. If
your symptoms persist for long period
of time, you need to consult your doctor.
Let your food be your medicine.
That’s all for today.
See you next week with another Tuesday Tip.
Till then….
Take care.
Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life-
Dr Bhumita Makwana
Your dietitian & cosmetic clinician.