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Can Excercise Cause Arthritis?

Can Excercise Cause Arthritis?


You already know this that- there are many ways to exercise like:

Aerobics, yoga, swimming, climbing, cycling, jogging weight lifting etc and

they all have their own different benefits.

Other than physical changes like building muscles, losing fat,

exercise can also help you to boost your mood,

it also helps you to get proper sleep and

also manages your stress


Regular exercise is very important for

prevention as well as treatment of all forms of arthritis.

It strengthens the muscles responsible for protecting your joints.

It helps you from getting them stiff

Through regular exercise, your joints get good blood supply and

nutrients that are essential for your joints’ health and

repairing of any damaged tissue.


However, too much exercise-particularly anything that jars your knee, hips or other joints can lead directly to osteoarthritis.

Avoid these 6 most common mistakes while doing exercise if you are having arthritis….

1)Don’t start your exercise without proper warm-up.

2)Don’t over do any exercise beyond the physiologic limit of your joints.

3)Don’t do any exercise while your joint is having pain

except the one that your orthopaedic surgeon or

your physiotherapist has advised.

4)Don’t do long cardio exercise, it is known to damage your knee joints

if done regularly for long period of time.

5)Don’t do jumping exercises like rope jumping if you have knee joint problem.

6)Don’t do push ups if you have shoulder joint problem.

Now, the question arises- what to do?

The answer is- Click here to get your copy of free DVD.

You will get warm-up exercises and

mild to moderate body weight exercises

which are doable by regular people like you and me….


This can be the best Diwali gift that you can

give to yourself and your loved ones and,

the best part is, that it is absolutely free!!!

Wish you Happy Diwali.

That all for today

See you next Tuesday

with another Tuesday tip.

Till then……

Take care.

Providing simple solution with complexities of life

Dr. Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician.


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