Don’t ignore your recurrent cough – It can be BRONCHITIS-(Part-1)
Bronchitis is inflammation of air passage that carry air to your lungs
You may have bronchitis if you are suffering from:
Cough that occur very frequently
Coughing up blood is nearly always a symptom of a disease.
The blood can come from nose, throat, upper airways, or lungs
The medical term for coughing blood is HEMOPTYSIS.
The seriousness of the condition depends on the amount of blood and
the time the blood is being coughed up and
hence you should never ignore this symptom.
When your body tries to fight the infection in your airway,
it causes bronchial tubes to swell
this causes you to cough.
The inflammation also causes less air to be able to move
through the bronchial tubes,
which causes discomfort in your chest
As there is inflammation of your air passage
and increase in mucus secretion,
less air enters in your lung and you feel breathlessness.
fever is an indication for any kind of infection in your body.
As your body struggle to fight against infection,
more energy is spent.
And you feel exhausted.
What causes your bronchitis?
=Viral infection
This is very common cause.
The viruses are in millions,
present in tiny droplets that comes out of
nose and mouth when an infected person cough or sneeze.
These droplets spread in air and then land on surfaces
where the viruses can survive and
in this way you can get infected.
=Cigarette smoking
If you are suffering from cough and
you smoke, your bronchitis is aggravated and
if you don’t stop smoking, then
this increase your risk of developing
some other serious respiratory tract condition like
=Air pollution
Air pollution damages your lungs
Dust create allergy and
it aggravates your cough
=Allergy to artificial flavours in your perfumes and deodorants
Artificial flavours and perfumes are the leading cause for
respiratory tract irritation & inflammation.
Your routine perfumes and deodorants contain many chemical and
you may develop allergy to these chemicals.
What to avoid?
=Avoid smoking
=Protect yourself from dust particles
=Avoid refined and processed food like candies, ice-cream, pastries, sodas etc.
=Avoid canned food
Food that help you to cure/prevent getting bronchitis
will be discussed in next tip.
Till then….
Take care….
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