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Emotional Pain, Your Food Is Your Medicine.

Emotional pain, Your Food Is Your Medicine.

You may be suffering from emotional pain if you are feeling:

  • Sadness
  • Crying
  • Feeling of helplessness
  • Fatigue or low energy level
  • Reduced pain tolerance
  • Muscle pain all over body
  • Headache
  • Uneasiness in stomach

Above all in emotional pain, you also

tend to over react to your surrounding situation.

It is always better that you express your feeling to

someone you trust. And this can lessen

your emotional pain by 50%. The another thing that can

help you to get rid of this emotional pain is your food.

As I always say “Food Can Be Your Medicine”, let’s see

How your food can help in your emotional pain?

An amino acid called phenylalanine helps you to build up your

brain’s reservoir of endorphins. This endorphin is a

feel good hormone that increases your

feelings of pleasure and reduces your physical pain.

This phenylalanine is not produced in your body. So,

you need to get it from your diet and hence it is also known

essential amino acid. This phenylalanine also helps you

to reduce symptoms of ADHD, Parkinson’s disease, and ease

chronic pain. Few studies also shows that it also help you to

reduce symptoms related to your menses.

Good natural vegetarian sources of phenylalanine are:

  • Soya bean and soya product
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sweet potato

In addition, regular practice of pranayama and yoga

may also help you to lessen your emotional pain.

If you haven’t yet received your free DVD, just click here

and get it right now.

Emotional pain is more of concern now in post lock-down

phase. Give emotional support to your loved ones

who are suffering from emotional pain.

That’s all for today

See you next Tuesday

With another Tuesday tip

Till then

Take care

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your dietitian & homoeopathic physician.  

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