Heart Attack, Stroke & role of ANTIOXIDANTS….(Part-4)
For Part-1: Do you need to take Antioxidants?- click here,
For Part-2: Breast Cancer & Prostate Cancer- click here,
For Part-3: Cigarette Smoking & Lung cancer – click here)
What is heart attack?-
When blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked,
usually by a clot or cholesterol, you get a heart attack.
What is stroke?-
A stroke is a brain attack,
cutting off vital blood flow and Oxygen to your brain.
Stroke happens when vessels feeding your brain gets clogged or bursts.
Heart attack and stroke [collectively known as cardiovascular diseases]
are the causes of 15 to 20% of all deaths in India.
In 2016, more than 25 lakh people have lost their
lives prematurely [between the age of 30—69 years]
due to cardiovascular diseases.
Between 1990 and 2016, the cardiovascular diseases have increased by 34%.
In the same time period, in US
it has reduced by 41%!
How US has improved?
By adopting healthy lifestyle -including proper nutrition…
- It is very important polyphenol-flavonoid family member.
- It reduces risk of heart diseases and stroke
by inhibiting the formation of blood clot and
controlling your bad cholesterol.
- Other benefit of this antioxidant is that
it helps to block the formation of cancer cell.
Vitamin -E
- It is fat soluble vitamin stored in liver, heart muscles, glands etc.
- It act as vasodilator and an anticoagulant.[prevent and dissolve blod clot].
- It lower risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke.
- It is an active antioxidant, prevents oxidation of fat compound as well as that of vitamin -A,
Good natural Sources of Reserveratrol are-
- Skin and seeds of grapes.
Good natural sources of Vitamin E are-
- Almond
- Coconut dry
- Pista
- Sunflower seed
In addition to proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle also
includes regular exercise .
You can get our free DVD of simple,
easy and effective exercise by clicking here.
That all for today….
See you next Tuesday
with another Tuesday tip.
Till then…..
Take care……
Providing simple solution for complexities of life
Dr Bhumita Makwana
Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician