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Hemorrhoids: Your Food Is Your Medicine

Hemorrhoids: Your Food is Your Medicine

Sitting at home without any work in this extended lockdown may

Aggravate your haemorrhoids. Your anal canal is packed with

small veins. Because of internal pressures or just irritation from sitting,

these veins swell and can cause itching, burning, and sometimes even bleeding.

You may have haemorrhoids if you are suffering from:

  • Anal itching
  • Hard, tender lumps near your anus
  • Bright red blood in your stool, toilet paper or toilet bowl.

What causes haemorrhoids?

  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Sitting on toilet for long period of time
  • Chronic constipation
  • Weakening of your anal tissues due to aging.

even if your haemorrhoids are cured, still you need

to take care of your food habits. So that you can prevent constipation.

Food that can help you in your haemorrhoids:


Flavonoids are natural healing compound which are found in

  • Apple
  • Soya bean
  • Mango
  • Green leafy vegetables.

Flavonoids helps you to strengthen your anal veins so that haemorrhoids are

less likely to occur. They can also help to reduce inflammation and help to heal.


Fibres create large soft stools by absorbing water. That helps you to prevent

constipation- a leading cause for your haemorrhoids.

High fibre foods are:

  • Whole grains and pulses
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Papaya and
  • Carrots

But remember not to take too much fibres. Taking too much

fibre can damage your intestinal lining.


And lastly don’t forget to drink water.

Less intake of water also causes hard stool. Drink at least

2.5-3 litres of water per day in this summer season.

I generally advise to fill one litre bottle in the morning, finish that bottle

before your lunch. And after lunch, refill that bottle and finished it by evening.

That way, you can keep watch on your water intake.

Next week we will have a guest blogger– a learned and experienced Yogini who will teach us about  pranayama and yoga that helps in your haemorrhoids.

See you next week.

Till then…. Stay home stay safe.

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life-

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician

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