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How To Have A Sound Sleep In This Lockdown?

How to have a sound sleep in this lockdown?

Yes, I know that in this lockdown period, your

daily schedule is disturbed and so is your

sleep pattern. All your family members are

at home, and there is no time restriction. But remember,

just because you don’t need to get up early in this

lockdown period, it does not mean you should

mess up with your sleep pattern. In addition to

your regular exercise, to boost your immunity,

it is equally important to have a

good quality sound sleep at least for

7 hours during night. If you have poor quality sleep,

it will affect your hair and your skin. You must have

experienced that whenever you have less sleep,

your skin becomes dull. There might be an increase in

dark circle around your eyes.

Do you know why all this happen?

There is a hormone known as melatonin.

Melatonin is a sleep inducing substance that

helps you to go to sleep. Calcium helps your brain to

use the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture

your melatonin. Hence, if you have calcium deficiency,

you may feel fatigued, nervousness and tension. So,

it is must to have adequate calcium daily from your food.

Good natural vegetarian sources of calcium are:

  • Ragi
  • Sesame seed
  • Almond

If you don’t have ragi, then it is sufficient to have

2 -3 spoon of sesame seed along with few almonds.

This tip does not mean that you can sleep at

anytime as you are free. It means that

you should take sleep at your regular time and

don’t disturb you sleep pattern, as

it is very important to maintain your biological cycle

to boost your immunity. May you get

good night sleep even during this lockdown &

maintain your immunity.

That’s all for today

See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday Tip.

Till then…. Take care.

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician

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