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How To Maintain Your Vision In Old Age…..

How to maintain your vision in Old Age…..

In my practice I have seen many

elderly patients who are unable to

go out on their own due to weak vision. And,

due to this they have to stay home which

they don’t like. Because of this reason some develop

depression which create other health issue in old age. So,

‘Prevention is always better than cure’ as once

Damaged, eye tissue is difficult to repair at

certain age. Let us see what happen

to your vision once you start aging…..


As you get older, one of the reasons of your weak

vision is due to age related macular degeneration (ARMD).

Macula is the region of your retina where

there is maximum visual sensitivity. Your

macula can get damaged from the free

radicals which develops in your body due to

long exposure to sun light. This

damage gets build up over the time.

What can help?

One of the well-known antioxidants known as

Lutein is found in the macula & thus,

this lutein plays an important role in

maintaining your vision. Lutein protects

your macula by acting as an optical filter for

sunlight. As an antioxidant, it also

soaks up the free radicals.

Good vegetarian sources of lutein are:


You must be preparing cooked spinach vegetable that is good but,

you can also add raw spinach to your salads

Before eating raw spinach, it is must to wash it properly.


You can have steamed broccoli or broccoli soup.


Taking ½ katori raw sprouts in morning is very beneficial.

*Green peas:

You can make green peas subji, green peas stuffed

paratha and green peas patties or cutlet.

You must have heard from your great grand parents

‘Include more of raw greens in your diet to make your eye healthy & strong’


You have heard all these things and listened somewhere from

your elderly. They have experienced it. So,

listen to them and start eating more of green vegetables.

May your healthy food help you to maintain

your vision even in your old age….

That’s all for today

See you next week with another Tuesday Tip.

Till then… Take care….

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life-

Dr. Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician


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