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How To Make Your Child Do Physical Exercise Regularly?

How to make your child do Physical Exercise regularly?

Last week we had discussed: “Why is it very much important

for your child to do physical exercise regularly?”

You can click here to visit that last tip.

& today, we will discuss:

“5 ways to make your child do physical exercise regularly”

#1: Sports academy-

It is really pity that we as parents have

really overburdened our child just as

we have overburdened ourselves in our life. So, if

your child’s daily schedule allows, &

if your budget permits, your child can join some

sports academy like- cricket, swimming, football, skating etc.

#2: Dance-

Dancing in any form is the best exercise. I

personally love dancing and it gives me

meditative experience. If dancing is your child’s passion,

encourage them to lean and enjoy the dance & get benefited!

# 3: Cycling-

Trust me, in today’s very hectic & fast life,

cycling gives us much needed calming down,

slow paced experience. If your child is young enough to drive cycle,

& if the school or tuition classes are nearby,

they can go to school or tuition on bicycle. My son

loves to go to his school on bicycle with his classmates.

# 4: Play outdoor games:

If you can take out some time to play some sort of

outdoor games with your child, there is

nothing like that. It not only gives benefits of

physical exercises, but it also creates a very good

emotional and psychological bonding in between

you & your child/

# 5: You do it first-

You probably have heard this that your child

learns more by observing you rather than listening to

your instructions. The same applies here for

physical exercise as well. Be their role model.

You do it first. Make a habit of regular

physical exercise yourself and then encourage them to

follow you. Now, it may not be possible for

both you and your child to go to a gym together. We

understand it and for the same reason, we have

created this Free DVD of some cool but still

very helpful exercises which you can perform

right in your home in very less space. You even

don’t need to have any equipment for these exercises.

These are ‘No equipment body weight home workout exercises.’

If you haven’t got your copy yet, click here to get

your copy of Free DVD now!

That’s all for today.

See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday Tip.

Till then….

Take care & start doing regular physical exercise!

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life:

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Homoeopathic Physician

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