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How To Take Care Of Your Skin After Uttarayan…..

How to take care of your skin after Uttarayan…..

Uttarayan is favourite festival of all gujjus. No one

Can resist going on terrace for flying kite. Having

that fun with friends & Family. We

wait & prepare for this festival before 1-2 months. But,

along with lots of joy, uttarayan also bring with it

damage to your skin like-

  • Skin tanning
  • Redness of skin
  • Drying of skin ( due to over exposure to cold wind)
  • Sun burn
  • Peeling of skin etc.

You must have experienced that even after

applying lots of sunscreen or other

skin protecting creams you, damage your skin &

now it has become difficult to repair. Right?

So, here is the solution.

You know how to protect your skin externally. But it

is also important to protect your skin from within.

Food plays major role in it as you know,

your food can be your medicine.

2 food groups that help your skin heal after Uttarayan are:

1)Vitamin E

It improves circulation in tiny capillaries of your

face. It helps in producing new cells on

your skin’s outer layer. Also, it is a good

antioxidant that prevent your skin from

free radicals which are formed from exposure to UV rays of sun.

Good natural vegetarian sources of vitamin E are:

  • Almond
  • Walnut &
  • Spinach

You can make smoothie out of these three ingredients.

You can also make palak and almond soup.

You can prepare nuts chikki & enjoy.

2)Soy products-

Soy contains isoflavones which is good antioxidant. It

helps in removing the reactive oxygen generated by

UV irradiation during uttarayan.

You can have soy products like-

  • Soyabean ( roasted or flour)
  • Tofu &
  • Soy milk.

If you have sensitive skin, or if your skin problem

remains for more than a week, consult your

cosmetic clinician for professional skin treatment.

That all for today…..

See you next Tueday, with another Tuesday Tip.

Till than…..

Take care.

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life:

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician

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