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Leg Pain & Joint Pain In  Chickengunia  What Can You Do About It?

Leg pain & joint pain in Chickengunia What can you do about it?


You know that during chickengunia infection you get

severe joint pain and leg pain along with fever. Even after

starting medicine your pain dose not get relieve completely. Today

we will discuss about what can you do about it?

1-Lemon grass

It is grass which has anti-inflammatory properties and hence

it can help you to relieve your pain.

You can make tea out of it and have it 2—3 cups per day.

You can also add lemon grass in your smoothie which

will give very distinct flavour.

Do you know? You can even grow your lemon grass in a pot at your home.



2-Omega 3

It is essential fatty acid which helps in stiffness of your joints.

It is a good fat which help certain fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin-A

& vitamin E. These vitamins are good antioxidant. They help you

to eradicate free radical from your body making you disease free.


Good natural vegetarian sources of omega-3 are


  • Bajra
  • Rajma
  • Flax seed
  • Walnut



Doing regular exercise can help you to lower your joint stiffness.

Even though  you are feeling week during chickengunia, do simple

joints movement while you are sitting or lying. You can get our free

exercise DVD and start practicing part-1 of the DVD by clicking here.


Last but not the least being homoeopathic doctor

I have treated many chickengunia patients with homoeopathic medicine

Which have given excellent results. I

Would like to share one case

One lady age 50+ who had chickengunia. After taking

allopathic medicine her fever was gone but joint stiffness

and leg pain was still there. She was unable to

do her household work. She came to me & was given

Homoeopathic medicine. Her pain was relieved 70—80% within

4—5 days.

So, consult your homoeopathic physician & start taking

homoeopathic medicine from day one.

That’s all for today

See you next Tuesday

With another Tuesday tip

Till then take care.

Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your dietitian & homoeopathic physician.




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