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Sugar V/s Jaggery: A Fact Sheet

Sugar v/s Jaggery: A fact sheet


Both sugar and jaggery are sweeteners, prepared from same source

that is – Sugarcane.

But the process of making sugar and jaggery from sugar cane is different.

Sugar-is highly refined and processed sweetener.

Jaggery -is an unprocessed, unrefined, sweetener.

Even if both are sweet,

there are some big differences in their nutrient content.


Calcium content in 100 gm of sugar is 12 mg and

In jaggery it is 80 mg.

Six time more!!!

Calcium makes your bone strong.

You can get calcium naturally during menopause

when you require calcium more by replacing your sugar with jaggery.

Calcium keeps your teeth strong.

It also improves hair growth and make your hair look more healthier.


Phosphorus content in 100 gm of sugar is 1 mg and

In jaggery it is 40 mg.

forty times more!!!!!!

Phosphorus promotes healthy gums and teeth.

It also helps in healing process of your damaged tissues.

3. Iron:

Iron content in 100 gm of sugar is 0.16 mg and

In jaggery it is 2.64 mg.

Sixteen times more!!!

Iron is required to increase your hemoglobin.

Which in turn keep your immunity raised,

So that you don’t fall sick frequently.


By all means Jaggery is always better than sugar.


Replace sugar with jaggery (gud)

whenever you can in all your food.


Though jaggery is better than sugar,

 the calories in both sugar and jaggery is same.

So, use it cautiously.

 That’s all for today.

See you next Tuesday with another Tuesday tip.

Till then…. take care…..


Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life….

Dr. Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician


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