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The Truth Of Artificial Sweeteners

The truth of Artificial sweeteners


If you are health conscious and foody both at the same time,

then you go for taking diet food,

low sugar or no sugar ready to eat products.

You Think that if you will have such

low sugar or diet food, you will get

less calories. But do you know that-

you may be getting artificial sweeteners if you are consuming-

  • diet coke
  • sugar free chewing gums
  • low/ no sugar ketchup’s
  • low sugar chyawan Prash
  • sugar free ready to eat breakfast meals
  • sugar free biscuits
  • sugar free burfis ( sweets)

and so on.

The list is endless. These products contain

artificial sweeteners like aspartame. Even if

these products like aspartame are approved by

health regulatory authorities such as FDA, many

studies have found their correlation with some serious health risks like:

  • Cancer
  • Brain tumor
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Headache & migraine
  • Premature birth etc

The worst thing is that, several studies link aspartame to

weight gain, increased appetite and diabetes.

Exactly opposite of your desired intention!!!

So, rather than indulging yourself in consuming

products containing artificial sweeteners,

getting expert advise from a qualified dietitian &

taking healthy, delicious food to satisfy your

taste buds are definitely a better and healthier option.

That all for today

See you next Tuesday

With another Tuesday tip

Till then

Take care and stay safe

Providing simple solution for the complexities of life

Dr Bhumita Makwana

Your Dietitian & Homoeopathic Physician.


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